Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ClickOnce and NHibernate

I've been working on a WPF MVVM intranet application that uses NHibernate for data access. As I expected, the initial ClickOnce deployment failed due to a missing configuration file and Castle assemblies. My View project used a Post-build event to get the required NHibernate files so that everything would run smoothly. Here's what that command line looks like:


Originally it just used the $(TargetDir) macro as an input to an MSBuild project file to copy the NHibernate files to the bin\Debug directory. In consideration of ClickOnce I modified it to also use the $(ProjectDir) macro to copy the files to the View project's root directory. Here's the contents of the CopyNHibernateStuff.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<HibernateCfgPath>C:\SourceTfs\Patient Safety Organization\Eligibility Manager\PsorgEligibilityData\hibernate.cfg.xml</HibernateCfgPath>
<NHFiles Include="C:\Program Files\NHibernate\Required_For_LazyLoading\Castle\Castle.Core.dll" />
<NHFiles Include="C:\Program Files\NHibernate\Required_For_LazyLoading\Castle\Castle.DynamicProxy2.dll" />
<NHFiles Include="C:\Program Files\NHibernate\Required_For_LazyLoading\Castle\NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll" />
<NHFiles Include="C:\Program Files\NHibernate\Required_For_LazyLoading\Castle\NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.pdb" />
<NHFiles Include="$(HibernateCfgPath)" />
<Target Name="CopyNH">
<Message Text="NHFiles: @(NHFiles)" />
<Message Text="TargetCompileDirectory: $(TargetCompileDirectory)" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(NHFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(TargetCompileDirectory)" />
<!-- Now copy files (again) to project directory so that they can be referenced as a publishable file by ClickOnce. -->
<Copy SourceFiles="@(NHFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(TargetProjectDirectory)" />

I did some spelunking in the View project file to determine how items appeared in the Application Files dialog on the Publish tab. I figured out that I could manually add my required NHibernate references in the following manner and they would be available to ClickOnce for publishing.

<Content Include="hibernate.cfg.xml" />
<Reference Include="Castle.Core.dll" />
<Reference Include="Castle.DynamicProxy2.dll" />
<Reference Include="NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll" />

Of course after I did all of this work I discovered this post which described my process in detail. At least it confirmed that I wasn't terribly abusing MSBuild.

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